Traveling With Your Children (Don't Leave Home Without...)

Jeep familyAfter 4 kids, I have had my share of “oops” moments when I travel. My husband and I have been to stores across the country, at all hours, spending way too much money and time tracking down items we didn’t think to pack. Here are my most commonly forgotten items that I have ended up re-buying:

  • Prescriptions / over the counter pain reliever: On all of my packing lists, I never think to add these items. Getting prescriptions filled halfway across the country (or in another country!), with time changes, doctor requirements, etc. can be tough. Be sure you plan ahead to have a good supply on hand! As for Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc., it would be so simple to just throw some in with your toiletries, instead of ending up back home with multiple opened packages/bottles.
  • Sunscreen: Even if you are not doing a vacation at the beach, you are going to want sunscreen for hikes, for trips to the zoo, for theme parks, etc. You can practically guarantee you will need this at some point!
  • Bathing suit: Why is this so hard to remember? For some reason, I always seem to have at least once child without a bathing suit!
  • Shoes: It is important to remember to think through all of the activities you are doing. Will you be hiking? Going to a pool/lake? Having a fancier dinner? Do they each have the required shoes for each occasion?
  • Jacket: It’s summer, and I live in Texas, so sometimes I forget about jackets! Even in sunny California, the evenings and mornings are quite cool, so be sure you have the necessary outerwear!

Remember to consider each child – is one more prone to allergies? ear aches? car sickness? forgetfulness?! Do you have the required items for these frequent incidents?

Even if you don’t end up using the items, I encourage you to save yourself the headache and wasted time by being over-prepared.

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