Nanny Interview Tips: Get the Job You Want

7 Expert Tips for Making a Great Impression at an Interview


We want to help you make sure that when you interview with families, you have the best chance of getting the job! If you have made it to this stage, WE already know that you are awesome, but we want to make sure that FAMILIES also get to see your best!

  1. Dress appropriately – what is the tone of the home? If the family has a staff of multiple nannies, a housekeeper, etc., it will likely be more formal (maybe a button-up blouse and slacks); if both parents work and they are having their second baby, it may be more casual (nice jeans with no holes, and a simple, but nice – and not revealing – top). Regardless, make sure you remember that you are a professional nanny, and you should take each interview seriously (even if it’s a Zoom or FaceTime call – and see our Dos and Donts for virtual interviews)!
  2. Be prepared – we always resend you the job description when we send the interview confirmation – please make sure you have reviewed all of the details (you’d be surprised at how many families tell us that nannies didn’t even know what job they were interviewing for when they call/show up), and prepare some specific questions.
  3. Be on time – of course not late, but being early could also throw off the interview if they are not ready for you.
  4. Connect with the adults – introduce yourself clearly and shake hands, be upbeat and friendly, and ask questions about the kiddo(s) – families light up when they talk about their children. When families ask questions, take your time answering and give specific examples from your experience, but don’t overshare — it’s easy to start rambling when we are nervous! Listen closely when the parents speak about their family and parenting philosophy and explain how you will help support their unique needs. Ideally, the conversation will flow back and forth evenly.
  5. Connect with the kids (if they are present) – make contact, ooh and ah (you know you want to – this is why you love being a nanny!), and ask them questions if they are old enough.
  6. Be prepared to talk about your past employment – again, keep it positive – nothing negative! Talk about what you loved about your job and what you did for the family that they appreciated. Try to think ahead of time about how you can sell yourself, in a clear, honest, and concise way.
  7. Thank them and follow up – again, shake hands and thank them for their time. You can follow up with a quick, but not overly informal text (if we’ve provided the number) to thank them for their time, and to tell them you look forward to hearing from them. Then, follow up with us at Mom’s Best Friend to provide feedback, and see if there will be next steps!

We are here for you, and would love to spend some time prepping with you if you need it!